Solutions for Families

How to Assess Your Family’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Episode Summary

In this episode, I will give you a family survey designed to help families discover their strengths and weaknesses, understand one another’s feelings and how each person views the family. When all family members honestly respond to the survey statements and talk about the results with kindness, the survey can be a powerful tool for family growth!

Episode Notes

This family survey is designed to help families understand one another’s strengths, weaknesses, feelings and how each person views the family.  When all family members honestly respond to the survey statements and talk about the results with kindness, the survey can be a powerful tool for family growth. Completing this survey is an important first step in assessing your family's strengths and weaknesses.  

Family members need to understand that it is perfectly all right to have different responses. There are no “right” or “wrong” responses.  Family members’ numbers will often be different because even people in the same family have different beliefs and perceptions.  Different is not wrong.  It is only different. 

Talk about how the survey statements made you feel.  Remember to make only positive comments during your family discussion.

Based on your results, talk about each of these questions:

  1. How do we feel about the kindness we show to one another?
  2. How well do we commit our time to each other and to the family?
  3. How well do we communicate in our family?
  4. How do we feel about the choices we make?
  5. How is our family’s physical, mental, social and financial well-being?

Talk about where you are today and where you want to be. Decide which areas you want to work on first.


Mentioned on the Show:

Family Survey 

Ask Paula Anything Call 


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Episode Transcription

This is Solutions for Families – where parents come with problems and leave with solutions. I’m Paula Fellingham – thank you for joining me!

The family survey is designed to help families understand one another’s feelings and how each person views the family.  When all family members honestly respond to the survey statements and talk about the results with kindness, the survey can be a powerful tool for family growth.

There are two very important things to remember when you complete the survey and discuss the results.  First, family members need to respond to the statements with complete honesty.  Tell how you really feel.  Second, when your family talks about the statements in the survey, make only positive comments.  No family members should feel guilty or challenged because of their honest responses.

Each family member needs his or her own copy of the survey. You can find this survey also at 

The way to  respond to the statements is by putting either 1  for almost never, 3  for sometimes, or  5  for almost always beside each statement. I will now go through the survey of 24 statements for you to respond.

1.   Our family thinks kind thoughts about one another. 

2.   In our family we express love for each other.  

3.   We use a kind tone of voice when we speak.   

4.   We treat one another the way we like to be treated.   

5.   We enjoy doing things together as a family.   

6.   We set family goals together.

7.   Our family helps one another without being asked.   

8.   We have family traditions.   

9.   We try to understand one another’s feelings.  

10.   We speak kindly to one another and try not to criticize. 

11.   We listen to each other.   

12.    In our family we can say what we feel. 

13.   We take responsibility for our own mistakes.  

14.   We all help make the rules in our family.  

15.   We try to prevent problems before they occur.  

6.   We can talk about things without arguing. 

17.   Our family has good health habits. (We eat

      healthfully, exercise regularly.) 

8.   We enjoy learning in our family.   

19.   Our family enjoys being with other people.   

20.   Our family makes wise financial decisions.  

21.   We rely upon God. 

22.   Our family prays together. 

23.   We worship God as a family.            

24.   We share our feelings about God in our family.

Completing the Family Survey is an important step in assessing your family's strengths and weaknesses. This survey can become a valuable tool for your family as you discuss your responses to the survey. Family members need to understand that it is perfectly all right to have different responses. There are no “right” or “wrong” responses.  Family members’ numbers will often be different because even people in the same family have different beliefs and perceptions.  Different is not wrong.  It is only different. 

Take some time now to discuss your responses.  Talk about how the statements made you feel.  Remember to make only positive comments during your family discussion.

Based on your results, talk about each of these questions:

  1. How do we feel about the kindness we show to one another?
  2. How well do we commit our time to each other and to the family?
  3. How well do we communicate in our family?
  4. How do we feel about the choices we make?
  5. How is our family’s physical, mental, social and financial well-being?

Talk about where you are today and where you want to be. Decide which areas you want to work on first. 

Okay, my friends. Until the next episode, have a beautiful day and please subscribe to my podcast, tell your friends about Solutions for Families, and come see me on As always, I send you my love….

And - if you have a question about something I’ve said or about anything going on in your family – or in your life - I invite you to my free weekly Zoom call! It’s Ask Paula Anything – every Thursday morning at 9am Pacific Time. I share MORE tips and solutions on that call, where you can ask me a question anonymously, or just listen to the others. You’re welcome to email your question and I’ll answer it without saying your name… email I love these calls where some people have big breakthrough moments. Just click on ASK PAULA on my website